
Industry Conference 2024

The BMA Conference 2024 – the event not to be missed

The Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA) is proud to announce that its Annual Conference will take place on September 16th and 17th at the Queens Hotel, Leeds.

The conference theme this year will focus on ‘building growth’.

As the UK has embarked on a crucial election year, the nation has now decided which political party has their backing to deliver growth for the economy, their personal prospects, business growth, and, crucially, the persistent challenge of solving the crisis in our housing market to ‘get Britain building’.

The ‘building growth’ theme will run through the event and will include thought-provoking keynote talks from industry experts, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with fellow professionals.

In stark contrast to our theme, our prices this year have not grown. They have, in fact, dropped from last year, meaning that attending the conference is more cost-effective than ever.

With so many repeat bookings, the conference fills up fast, so don’t delay, book your place today.


View the BMA Industry Conference Packages (Delegates and Sponsorship)

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16th September 2024 Agenda – open to BMA Members only

12.00 – 14.00 MARKETING WORKSHOP: Utilising AI and digital innovation for a more profitable bathroom sector

The popularity of AI in recent years has seen an explosion in its widespread use. Indeed, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) May 2023 Business and Insights Conditions Survey (BICS) showed that approximately one in six businesses (16%) are currently implementing at least one of the AI applications asked about in the survey.

AI is often called the Fourth Industrial Revolution as it’s poised to change the way humans work, and this could be particularly evident in marketing and sales.

AI has the ability to automate repetitive tasks and analyse customer data in the blink of an eye with machine learning tools able to uncover sales forecasting and customer behaviour predictions and identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. It can be used for chatbots, sentiment prediction, content writing, design and customer analysis – all aimed at saving time and increasing productivity. But how reliable is it? Can we trust its outputs? Will it replace our jobs?

These questions and more will be answered in this workshop. Ignoring AI is not an option. It’s here to stay, so this session will provide a glimpse into how we can work alongside it and reap the benefits.

12.00 – 14.00AURIK WORKSHOP: Build your business into your greatest wealth-generating asset.

Join business growth specialist Pavlo Phitidis for a 90-minute session to gain insights into an approach to transform your business into your greatest wealth-generating asset.
Despite our sluggish economy, skills shortage, cost-of-living crisis, persistent COVID supply chain shortages, and that the COVID “home improvement dividend” has run its course, you still have to grow your business.

Why Grow?
If you are not growing, you are dying. To preserve your current company value, you need to grow at the sum of the following: Inflation at 5%, country growth at 1%, and uncertain currency stability likely to impact our buying power by 2-4% this year. Let’s call it revenue growth between 7-9% just to maintain value. To grow it, you need to add a few per cent more and reach 10-15%.

What Growth?
Growth for the sake of growth makes little sense when building your company into a wealth-generating asset. Growth needs to increase your revenue and profitability. These two “levers” are essential to building your business into an asset.

The answer lies in building an Asset of Value. This is a business that is positioned to win in a changing, competitive world. When actively implemented the result is a growing, more profitable business, likely to increase dividend payments and capital value. It increases access to growth capital, and should you wish to sell and exit your business, achieve a premium valuation to monetise your investment and legacy.

The session
Practical and action-oriented, the session will provide insights into an Asset of Value and how it enables you to build your business in our grumpy economy. Using relatable case studies, your investment in time and attention will yield entertaining, informative, and practical insights into revitalising your business and your ambition and leave you with actions that you can apply to your business directly afterward.

14.15- 16.15 – TECHNICAL WORKSHOP: PFAS: What manufacturers need to know about its presence and legislation

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are often referred to as the ‘forever chemicals’ because of their extreme persistence in the environment. PFAS includes over 4,700 chemicals, all used in everyday products like toiletries, non-stick coatings and clothing.

Water companies have put PFAS strategies together for the Drinking Water Inspectorate and some companies have notices for the next AMP as part of business plans. There is still lots of movement and looking to possible future standards.

Since 2009, perfluoro octane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS) have been included in the international Stockholm Convention to eliminate their use. PFOS has been restricted in the EU for more than 10 years already under the EU’s Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation.

The national authorities of Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are proposing a restriction covering a wide range of PFAS uses and submitted their proposal to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in January 2023. ECHA’s scientific committees are now evaluating it.

This workshop will examine the current and possible future legislative landscape and what it means for bathroom manufacturers.


Following a full day of stimulating workshops and activities, our networking dinner is a chance to unwind and network in an informal atmosphere. We are planning a ’90s theme along with a ‘pub quiz’ for teams to pit their wits against each other. There will be a prize for the winning team!

17th September 2024 agenda

09.30 – 10.30: General Council and AGM for BMA members only


10.30 – 11.00: Registration/ Networking

11.00 – 11.05: Welcome From BMA’s Chief Executive, Tom Reynolds

11.05 – 12.05: Expert Motivational Speaker – The Growth Mindset: Jo Salter

Jo Salter is famed for becoming the first female fast jet pilot, having flown the Panavia Tornado ground attack aircraft during her service in the Royal Air Force. Joining the RAF at age 18, Jo has since taken Air Cadets into the skies as part of Air Experience Flights.

She began her studies at the Royal Military College of Science. Initially passionate to become an engineering officer, Jo’s decisions took a U-turn when it was announced that women would be allowed to pilot jet aircraft. In 1992, Jo earned her wings to fly and she later completed her fast jet training at the end of the year. Becoming a Flight Lieutenant of 617 Squadron, Jo went on to claim the title of the first female fast jet pilot. Since leaving the military behind, Jo has established a strong business career, working in roles such as Head of Technical Services for NetConnect, European Operations Manager for Automated Power Exchange and Managing Director of Saltin Ltd.

Jo is a passionate Trustee of The Royal Air Force Club and an Ambassador of the Global Angels charity, an organisation that gives communities around the world access to clean water, education, healthcare and encourages female and youth empowerment. Jo has also authored two books, titled Energy: 52 Ways to Fire Up Your Life and Become an Energy Angel and Energize: Spring Clean Your Mind and Body to Get Your Bounds Back Today and Every Day. In recognition of her achievements throughout her career, Jo has also been named as one of the 50 Most Inspiring Women in the World by Harpers & Queen. She is now working as the Director of Global Transformation Leadership at PWC after working in other roles such as Director of Risk Technology Strategy, Director Chief of Staff, Head of Technology & Investments and Director of People & Organisations. In 2022, Jo was invited personally by Tom Cruise to attend the premiere of Top Gun: Maverick.

12.10 – 13.00: The Economic Outlook – Is growth realistic? Mohammed Chaudhri 

Mohammed Chaudhri is Experian’s Chief Economist and Director of Market Intelligence with over a decade of forecasting the UK economy and credit markets.

Thanks to his forecasting, Consensus Economics ranked Experian as the most accurate UK forecaster.

In addition to leading Experian’s successful Market Intelligence team, his remit includes account management of key clients, new product innovations, and supporting Experian’s UK marketing activity.




13.00- 14.00: Networking Lunch

14.00 –  15.00: The Big Debate: What can we do to get Britain building, and what is our role? (panellists TBC)

There is a glaring inadequacy of housing stock, resulting in the UK grappling with a long-running housing crisis that has far-reaching consequences for citizens.

The discourse regarding the broken nature of the UK’s housing model points to a combination of factors such as regulatory challenges, rising property prices, high rents, and a growing lack of social and affordable housing. The solutions require an urgent need for innovative strategies and long-term funding to overcome these obstacles and facilitate a surge in housing construction.

Acknowledging bathrooms as integral components of any dwelling, this debate with our panel of experts will also explore the ways in which bathroom manufacturers could contribute to more rapid, affordable and sustainable construction.

15.00 – 16.00: Keynote Speaker, Oliver Heath – The Future of Building 

Oliver Heath is an industry-recognised expert in biophilic design, sustainable architectural and interior design, who creates human-centred spaces that benefit occupant wellbeing through a heightened connection to nature.

Oliver’s design practice, Oliver Heath Design, is industry-leading in the field of sustainable design, using research-led insights to implement biophilic design across all building types.

Since 1998, Oliver has worked as a designer and presenter on numerous television and radio programmes for the likes of the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Discovery Channel, and Norway’s TV2.

He regularly presents seminars on the subject of sustainable homes and lifestyles at prestigious design events such as FutureBuild, Grand Designs Live, the Ideal Home Show, and the National Home Improvement Show, and has also hosted a keynote for TedX talk at UCL. He has also been a regular content contributor for publications such as The Observer, Home and Housebuilding, Grand Designs Magazine, Friends of the Earth, Earth Matters, and House Beautiful Magazine.

16.00: BMA President’s Closing Address

19.00 – 23.00: Networking drinks reception followed by a black-tie gala dinner and Thirty under Thirty Awards

20:00: A delicious 4-course dinner offers the perfect backdrop for delegates to build relationships formed over the past two days and network with other industry professionals.

21:30: Charity speaker from the Band of Builders, who have completed a wide range of projects with a combined delivery value of over £1m, which includes accessible bathrooms and kitchens.

22:00: The winners of our ‘Thirty under Thirty’ will be announced by our comedian host, providing an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and hard work of our younger members who are forging long and successful careers in our sector. We will also have a raffle/auction in aid of the Band of Builders.

23:00 – LATE

After dinner, delegates have the opportunity to move to the hotel bar and celebrate a successful two days.

If you would like any further information about the conference or are interested in our member bulk booking rates, please email [email protected]