
News & Views

The BMA’s voice in the General Election

The unexpected General Election call on May 22nd by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has set in motion a race for No.10 by the main political parties, underscoring the critical national importance of this event and the BMA’s role in it

Tap into Tomorrow

The BMA did get ahead of the game late last year by producing the Tap into Tomorrow document, our manifesto for whoever will lead the country. The matters outlined in the report contain urgent measures for adoption into political party manifestos to avoid significant risks to our industry, communities, and consumer safety. They range from streamlining regulations to product compliance and safety measures, professional standards, public conveniences, water efficiency and water scarcity, and growing our export market.

The BMA’s strategic priorities for the industry, the environment, and consumers would help drive positive change. The priorities we outlined for the next government highlight the untapped potential within our industry, waiting to be harnessed.

In addition, the BMA wrote to all relevant ministers and shadow ministers to highlight the document to express our willingness to collaborate, and provide advice to ensure our nuanced sector gets the attention it deserves.

BMA Webinar: What the General Election means for BMA and bathroom manufacturers

To provide some clarity and meaning behind the political campaigning and the BMA priorities, the BMA Chief Executive, Tom Reynolds, will present a webinar detailing what the General Election means for the association and bathroom manufacturers. Please register your attendance for this critical briefing.

Date: Tue, June 11

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT+1

Online event: Register here.

BMA updates in the press

The BMA has always been a vocal association, lobbying for change that benefits members and the industry as a whole. KBB Focus has also published our thoughts on the pressing issues that the next government needs to tackle once in power.

The feature, ’What our industry needs after the polls close’, details the simple steps that could achieve a myriad of benefits for our industry, society, and environment.



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