The challenges of taking effective climate action drove the inception of THG Eco, a business based on the purpose-led proposition of ‘simplifying sustainability’. THG Eco powers THG’s wider sustainability targets while providing uncomplicated and cost-effective sustainability services to our clients, partners and suppliers.
The Road to Net Zero
Net Zero refers to the point whereby the amount of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) we remove from the atmosphere is greater than the amount we emit.
Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the UK has a legal target of achieving Net Zero by 2050.
Alongside the increasing threat of climate change, this collective target is encouraging governments and organisations globally to make climate commitments. THG Eco breaks down the daunting task of navigating this opaque and misunderstood market, facilitating investment in practical and transparent solutions on the journey to Net Zero.
Carbon footprinting
A credible Net Zero commitment starts with fully understanding your Carbon Footprint. THG Eco offers a concise and cost-effective Carbon Footprinting solution which measures your organisation’s GHG output across Scope 1, 2, and 3, as outlined below:
- Scope 1: Emissions from direct operations. e.g., generating electricity, manufacturing or fuel consumption within company-owned vehicles
- Scope 2: Indirect emissions derived from purchased electricity, steam, cooling, or heating
- Scope 3: Indirect emissions occurring in the upstream and downstream supply chain

This comprehensive audit of your organisation’s activity will help identify the efficiencies and actions that will set you on your pathway to achieving Net Zero.
Life Cycle Assessment
While a Carbon Footprint evaluates your organisation’s emissions, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculates the ‘cradle-to-grave’ emissions of a product or process, pinpointing your emission hotspots.
Once measured, manufacturing and operational changes can be implemented to reduce emissions and save costs. An LCA can be used to streamline your product or service from design through to marketing, policy, and tracking. In completing this process with THG Eco, you will be compliant with the GHG Protocol and ISO 14067.

Carbon Neutral Certification
With a 71% rise in online searches for ‘sustainable goods’ since 2016, there is a clear increase in consumer demand for organisations to take emission accountability. As such, many are exploring Carbon Neutrality to capture this new market.
Aligning with the United Nation’s Climate Neutral Now initiative, THG Eco’s Carbon Neutral Certification authenticates your efforts to measure, reduce, and offset your Carbon Footprint through the purchase of high-quality Carbon Credits. While carbon offsetting is key to accomplishing Net Zero, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) recommends it can be used as part of a wider strategy alongside reduction targets and action.THG Eco’s certification is structured into three tiers; the higher the accuracy and ambition an organisation chooses to report, the higher the accreditation achieved:
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
The SBTi is the governing body that supports and reviews emission reduction targets. Their Net Zero Standard requires companies to set near and long-term reduction targets across Scopes 1, 2, and 3.
While near-term targets cover the next 5-10 years, long-term targets require absolute emissions reduction by 90% or more. On this, SBTi notes: “purchasing high quality carbon credits in addition to reducing emissions along a science-based trajectory plays a critical role in accelerating the transition to Net-Zero”.

THG Eco will assist you with the development of realistic target setting and submission, as well as issuing recommendations for reaching your annual goals. Adopting the standard demonstrates a commitment to decarbonising ahead of legislation.
Get in Touch
Whether you are just starting out on your sustainability journey or looking to take your next steps towards Net Zero, please contact [email protected] to learn how THG Eco can help your business.
Guest blog provided by THG Eco